Donbosco School,Gunadala – Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh …

A joyous Children’s Day celebrations at Don Bosco school

Posted on November 14, 2021 by admindbs

The Children’s Day was celebrated on 13th November 2021-22 at Don Bosco School Carmel Nagar, Gunadala. Don Bosco school witnessed a wonderstruck and beautiful children’s day celebration after the gap of 2 year due to COVID-19 Pandemic. The Children were overwhelmed in witnessing friends’ and teachers’ talents during Children’s day celebration.

The programme started with the prayer invoking God’s blessings upon every child and all who gathered for the programme. It followed lighting the lamp by Rev. Fr. Kishore, Fr. Bhaskar (Principal), two children and teachers’ representative to remember that God is Light. Rev. Fr. Rector has addressed the children with catchy motivational speech. He has abbreviated the Word CHILDREN. The whole programme contained various types of cultural programs like songs, theme-based dances, as well as skit performed by the students.

The Children were also entertained by the teachers’ performance. A speech by teacher Judith, a graceful dance and a lovable song by the teachers mesmerized the children. Finally, the progarmme turns to end with vote of thanks.

The children left the campus with joyful note and mood of celebration, enjoying the sweets of celebration.

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