Donbosco School,Gunadala – Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh …

Don Bosco school Carmel Nagar, Gunadala has organized teacher training programme on the theme: “LEARNING TO LEARN TO BE AN EXPERTISE” on 26.06.2021. The training programme started with the prayer invoking God’s blessings upon every teacher and trainee.

Posted on June 26, 2021 by admindbs

The technology has become new normal due to Covid – 19; in view of this the teacher’s expertise in the technology has become most important. Therefore, the teachers of Don Bosco School, has taken part in many training programs in the second wave of pandemic Covid – 19. On 26th June 2021 the teachers have participated in training programme, which was conducted by TATA class edge.  

The program went in two sessions. The first session was theory and the second session was practical. The program started with an activity and went on to more interactive mode. Tata class edge provides holistic approach to the students.

1. Content mapping

2. Detailed lesson plans

3. Analytical usage reports

4. Teacher training

5. Periodic Academic innovations

6. Industry insight videos…

The teachers have learned TCE philosophy, it involves multiple learning experience with the inter- disciplinary action. TATA class edge emphasized four teaching strategies: 1. View, 2. Interest, 3. Think and 4. Do. The TCE curriculum supports user adoption maturity it has 4 c’s. 1. Consumer 2. Contributor 3. Creator 4. Collaborator.

In the second session the teachers worked at the theory of TATA’s value education. They were given username and password. They worked on the guidance of the TCA academic representative. The teachers were excited about the content delivery, learning activities, modules, lesson plans, having obvious benefits by this program. The teachers have learned the newly formed network and learn how to equally help all the students. Don Bosco truly comes to believe that our services are best to reaching out regularly to the school.


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