Don Bosco School Gunadala CBSE organized first Parent Teacher Association for the academic year 2022-23 on the Theme: “Art of Parenting” from 12.7.22 to 16.7.22.
Rev. Fr. Bhaskar the Principal of the school officially welcomed the parents for the PTA meeting. The Principal presented to them the educational system of Don Bosco: Reason, Godliness and Loving Kindness, which included also preventive system of Don Bosco. Toward the end of the presentation, the principal spoke about the Vision and mission of the school.
Principal also said that education of the child is a combined venture, therefore, the parents have to involve themselves to give to the children over all development in life skills like: 1. Problem solving, 2. Decision making 3. Creative thinking 4. Critical thinking 5. Self-awareness 6. Empathy 7. Interpersonal relationship 8. Good communication 9. Management of Stress 10. Management of Emotion.
The Principal interacted with the parents, all the parents clarified their doubts. The time was allotted to have interaction between parents and teachers. They discussed both the strength and areas of improvements. The suggestions of the parents were taken into consideration.
The PTA meeting helped the parents and teachers to understand that joint effort can bring laurels.