The Independence Day has a special place in the heart of every Indian. Not only does it symbolise the celebration of wonderful years of freedom but also extends an emphatic message of the progressive future of our country.

77th Independence Day was celebrated at Don Bosco School on 15th August 2023 with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. The school campus was beautifully decorated to commemorate the day. All the Guests, Fathers, teachers and students gathered at 8:30 a.m. In the presence of the gleeful gathering the National Flag was hoisted by our Guest Rev. Father Joseph and Rev. Fr Anil. All the members saluted the flag and sang the National Anthem and expressed the joy of freedom that created a different ambience. A solemn speech was given by the Guest of Honour Fr. Joseph, he said freedom is to love every one and not causing pain in any sort. Melodious patriotic songs were sung by the students. There were dance programs and other cultural events performed by students of various grades.

Rev. Fr. Bhaskar our Principal addressed the gathering and quoted the importance of the day to fill with full of patriotism and enthusiasm that kindled a sense of love for our country within the children. His words also reminded us of the immense sacrifices of those who gave up their lives for the freedom of India.
The program concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs Usha and sweets were distributed for all the gathering.
Jai Hind